March 19, 1996, I gave birth to this amazing bouncing baby boy! He was a strapping 10lbs 12oz. and 23 inches long!!! Yes 23! I gave birth to a 3 month old. hee hee!
After giving birth to my first 2 children in 2 different hospitals. (both girls) I was courageous and bold enough to step out and have a home birth. After all, the doctor missed the second one because it happened so fast.
We had a few apprehensions however, we were particularly concerned because our first child had had a hard time breathing; something they called TTN. (part of her story that I will share at another time) That may happen a gain?!? and "what would we do?" We shared these concerns with our midwives and their explanations of how they would respond satisfied both my husband and me.
The discovery of my pregnancy with Chris Jr. was such a joyous moment for me. My grandmother had just recently passed away and we all, my husband and daughters, grandpa, parents, brothers & sister, were all experiencing such grief from her loss.
Throughout her rapid battle with cancer my heart ached to be pregnant. I was sure that the wonder of feeling a new life growing inside me would help me heal from the desperation of seeing her sweet life fade physically before my eyes. I prayed "Lord, if it is your will, please let me have a baby. And let it be born close to the anniversary of her death. I know what a hard time that will be for all of us and how awesome it would be to be holding a new life as we share our memories of her." As I prayed this during her last days I wasn't really processing the reality of 9 months of pregnancy and that the timing for my prayer to really be answered meant 3 months of waiting with an empty womb. The time went by and I had forgotten about how specific I had been in my prayer. But God hadn't.
Like Hannah weeping for a son, Eli answered in the name of the Lord, "Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him."
My grandmother passed away on March 29, 1995 and my son was born March 19, 1996; 10 days before the anniversary of her death.
Our God answers prayer!

(taken from the pages of his baby book written while he was a toddler)
I went to the Dr.'s office for a pregnancy test after I knew I was pregnant just to get it on record. I was unsure about having a home birth and I wanted to get through the first months of the pregnancy under a "doctor's" care before I transferred to the midwives. My husband was very apprehensive so I knew I was going to have to be patient and help warm him up to the idea.
By about 5-1/2 Months along I was ready to make the switch. My Dr. was very supportive since he has experience how quickly my labors move and I began meeting with the midwives every 3 weeks. This was such a treat! I felt so well taken care of. They spent an hour with me at every visit, chatting and asking how everything was going. Listening to the heart beat, feeling the position of the baby. Everything was done at such a relaxed pace and peaceful atmosphere. They really tenderly care for expecting moms.
My main concern was how do they deal with huge over due babies? Can they, do they, induce? I was so used to some kind of intervention when it came to bringing on labor, I wondered if there was anything natural I could do. They shared with me about a few herbs and homeopathic remedies that often help women deliver close to their due dates. Evening Primrose Oil, a natural hormone balancer and prostaglandin, the Homeopathic was called Caulophyllum. I began treatment with these natural substances around my 36th week of pregnancy. They said that a high percentage of women who use these do not go past their due dates. I was ready! We could tell around 36-38 weeks that the baby was already over 9lbs. My first 2 babies were 9-1/2 lbs each. I was a little worried about how my body would handle a 10lb+ baby. The Midwives and the Doctor were quite confident that I had plenty of room in my pelvis for a very big baby and tried to reassure me.
Every Tuesday night while I was pregnant I went to Choir rehearsal. It was alumni group made up mostly of Singers from Santa Barbara High School, directed by Ms. Zimmerman. I loved every minute of it and I could tell that the baby did too! I loved feeling the way he would move as we sang the different kinds of music.
We had a concert scheduled for March 16th which was my ultrasound due date and I decided that if I wasn't in labor, I would be there and sing in it. Well, the day arrived and I wasn't in labor. Although I wanted to be. I arrived at the church a few minutes late and everyone was already in position at the front. They all clapped for me; it was quite embarrassing but I got over it, got into my place and started to sing.
Looking at my boy now I can see what an effect my singing had on him. He had rhythm and vocal abilities even as a young boy. Now that he is a Teen he has developed into a wonderful musician; teaching himself to play the guitar and learning drum techniques from his grandpa.

Chris and I went out that afternoon to k-mart and I bought myself a new night gown to labor in. We also went to TCBY and got some frozen yogurt and visited a friend. Last, we stopped by our favorite Chinese restaurant and got some take-out. Kung Pao Chicken. yumm! I went to bed content.

My little sister came and was able to play with my daughters and keep them content. At one point my 18month old came in and rubbed my foot. It was so sweet.
At about 2pm I needed to push. It moved so quickly. First push, and his head was through. The water never broke and the midwife had to break it to show his cord wrapped around his neck twice! She was able to untwist it and I pushed the rest of him out. It was great! My girlfriend took awesome pictures. I had never seen a birth before so it was so neat to get a visual of my own experience.
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Christopher was not breathing as well as he should. |
Once he was out and began to cry I was given some special tea, (pennyroyal and shepherd's purse) to encourage cramping and the delivery of the placenta. Once the placenta was delivered I began to bleed.... too much. One of my midwives said "Maggie, tell your body to stop bleeding" in a very calm but firm voice. My mom, dad, brother, and sister were there and praying. I allowed my midwife to give me a shot of "pit" in the hip and everything settled down and I stopped bleeding. All was well, for me at least.
What an amazing difference this experience was compared to the hospital one. Such calmness and peace. No panic.....
Seriousness and determination....Yes
But fear and "emergency" craziness..... No.
Soon he was back in my arms to nurse and hug and kiss.
All Pinked up and ready to be kissed!!

16 1/2" head
16 1/2" chest
23" in. long
He slept 10 hours that first night!! I had the best night of sleep on my stomach! Ahhh rest!
Here you go Honey!!
You have your 3 children before you turned 30 years old! 2 girls and a boy.
Little did we know that this was only the beginning......